Monday, February 16, 2009

What is the actual definition of "ISO Certification"?

The International Organization for Standardization headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards, many that describe the best practices of private industry and government. Over 157 countries including the United States have adopted ISO standards as their own. After a rigorous review of our facility, practices, and technology, TeleDirect was certified in November for this prestigious distinction. This means that TeleDirect adheres to strict guidelines for the protection of your data and continuously strives to improve those safeguards. By earning ISO 27001 certification we have further demonstrated our commitment to making our Company more secure and securing your information.

1 comment:

  1. ISO 27001 Training
    Information security management does not stop at certification. ISO/IEC 27001 can grow and evolve with your business, making sure your information stays secure no matter how much it changes and as new security threats emerge. You can do more than keep up with expectations and regulations when you work with us – you can continually improve your ISO/IEC 27001 management system to stay ahead.
